Vitamin D is available to the body from eggs, fish, and dairy products. Active people living in sunny regions produce most of the vitamin D they need from their skin through the sunlight. In a less sunny climate, vitamin D's skin production is considerably reduced in the winter months, especially among the elderly and the housebound. In that population, vitamin D supplements become essential.
Vitamin D plays numerous roles in the body, from supporting a productive immune and nervous system to absorbing calcium and promoting healthy bone growth. It also helps to regulate mood.

Healthy bones, calcium often comes to mind. Calcium is the major component in bone health and increasing bone mineral density, but do not overlook the importance of vitamin D. Previous research has shown that vitamin D is a powerful stimulator of calcium deposits in bones, making them stronger and healthier (Naeem, 2010). If the body is not getting sufficient vitamin D, the body begins to slow depositing calcium into bones, eventually drawing calcium out from the bones back into the bloodstream, which is dangerous! Over time, this constant deposit and withdrawal cycle will make bones weak and at high risk for fractures (Ooms et al., 1995).
Vitamin D supplementation could be interfering with strength gains if not properly regulated. Research published in the Iranian Journal of Public Health in 2010 reported that over 70 per cent of men ages 20-29 had some vitamin D deficiency (Rahnavard 2010).
Olympic weightlifters should be supplementing Vitamin D as it is vital if the body is not currently getting sufficient vitamin D. As bones are weaker which could lead to stress fractures when lifting, plus Vitamin d will help with recovery as it assists the nervous system with production.
Naeem, Z. (2010). Vitamin d deficiency- an ignored epidemic. International journal of health sciences, 4(1), pp.V–VI. ‌
Ooms, M.E., Roos, J.C., Bezemer, P.D., van der Vijgh, W.J., Bouter, L.M. and Lips, P. (1995). Prevention of bone loss by vitamin D supplementation in elderly women: a randomized double-blind trial. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 80(4), p.1052–1058.
Rahnavard, Z., Eybpoosh, S., Homami, M.R., Meybodi, H.A., Azemati, B., Heshmat, R. and Larijani, B. (2010). Vitamin d deficiency in healthy male population: results of the Iranian multi- centre osteoporosis study. Iranian journal of public health, 39(3), p.45–52.