As power is a vital aspect of many sport's performances, finding ways to optimise athletic power is of great importance (Docherty et al., 2004). Studies have indicated that seven independent qualities contribute to an athlete's ability to generate power (Newton and Dugan, 2002). The seven qualities:
Reactive strength
Maximum strength
Low-load strength (<30% of 1RM)
High-load strength (>30% of 1RM)
Skill performance
Rate of force development
Power endurance
In most situations, Olympic Weightlifting movements drop into athletic strength exercises as merely due to these exercises requiring athletes to move heavy loads as quickly as possible, requiring high-level explosive strength.

Docherty, D, Robbins, D, and Hodgson, M. (2004). Complex training revisited: A review of its current status as a viable training approach. Strength Cond J, 27 (4), p.50-55.
Newton, R.U., and E. Dugan. Application of strength diagnosis. Strength Cond. J. 24 (5), p. 50–59. 2002.